Laurel Devaney (SAGAFTRA/AEA) toured England, Russia, Prague, Budapest and Vienna as an actor and singer and recently made her directorial debut with an all-female King Lear (prod. Jackie Sizemore). Roles include: Spring Pictures: The Floating World at LaMama etc NYC (dir. Miriam Eusebio/Yukio Euno), Deirdre McDavy in Paul Rudnick’s I Hate Hamlet (dir. Kate Splaine) and Persephone in the New England premiere of Suzanne Bradbeer’s Lonestar Grace (dir. Giovanna Sardelli). Film/Television: Raffaele Passerini’s The Nurse (Cannes), Mathilde Dratwa's Almost Anonymous, Ayberk Sak’s Ordinary Day and The Sweet Hitchiker, PBS’s American Experience, Showtime’s Brotherhood, HBO’s Boardwalk Empire, currently Shirley in Roger Omeus’s Finding Me web series and original cast member of Sally Horchaw's Nantucket: the MusACKal and star of Everybody's Friends: a family variety show, filmed before a live studio (apartment) audience. Member of AEA, SAGAFTRA, ActorCor, Brown Ledge Stock Co. and Susan McGinnis's Seaside Shakespeare.